O COME O COME EMMANUEL - Sermon on 20th December 2015

December 20th Was the Seventh and Last Sunday of Our Extended Season of Advent.
It was the day of the "cool" change after a record December hot spell - the temperature on Saturday was 42 degrees C, but had dropped to 29 degrees on Sunday - sadly not in the church ... so at St John's the service was conducted in the Hall where there is air-conditioning.
At Bethlehem Schoenborn we had a lovely country Baptism service - little Maliya Abbott who was the most cooperative baby I have seen for a while ("little baby Maliya no crying she makes" - there could be a carol in that!) - it was hot, casual, laid-back and unrobed ... nice!
Here is the sermon as recorded at St John's (preaching is not as simple in the hall as in the pulpit, but alles gut even if there was a glitch in the old pastoral vocal cords part way through) - It is much the same sermon as preached at Schoenborn (I think the second preaching was better, but it wasn't recorded), and it's called "O Emmanuel".

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